Olivia Ruby Takes a Stand and Speaks Up on Sexual Abuse.

July 9, 2010 at 3:30 pm Leave a comment

At the age of 9, I became one of those statistics of girls being sexually abused by an entrusted adult. He was my vocal coach. I did not remain silent. I told my secret. After the sentencing of the perpetrator, one of his other victims thanked me for speaking out, and made me promise never to stop singing.

Ever since then, I have made it my mission to help others to “tell their secret and save their voice.” I have become very open with this subject because sharing and helping others is extremely healing for me and, I don’t want anyone else to be hurt like I was. My life’s experiences have made me strong and courageous and I want to help empower others.

I made a promise to myself to not be a victim and be a survivor. I took that mentality on and I ran with it. My abuse is a part of me. I embrace it. It made me into the person I am today. I am a strong, courageous young woman that has the power to move mountains, and that is the mentality I want other survivors to embrace. Together we can stop abuse. Take a Stand. Speak up.

Olivia Ruby


Olivia Ruby is an inspiration to all, and Prevent Child Abuse Louisiana respects her bravery and perseverance in helping others. Don’t be afraid to speak out.

 Call 1-800-CHILDREN [244-55373].


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July 2010